The post about a new challenge

OK, so me & one of the CFB’s are back to clean eating and abs.  The clean eating is a 12 week program that eliminates bad foods little by little and introduces good foods the same way.  The abs is just an idea from Pinterest.  I already forgot to do the first two days!!  So this morning I knocked out day 1.  Guess I’ll be doing day 2 & day 3 later today haha.


I am determined to stick with both the abs and nutrition.  30 days won’t be horrible, especially with rest days in there, but 12 weeks is a long time!  Week 1 & Week 2 are no gluten.  The only thing that gets me on the gluten is pizza!  I’m gonna have to make a gluten free crust though when I want pizza.  It’s just so easy to buy a $5 Little Caesar’s or Wal Mart brand pizza and pop it in the oven!

I’ll try to keep you all posted on my progress…another way to be accountable.  I’ve been logging my food on My Fitness Pal.  I have to stop giving in to my cravings, so wish me luck!

The post about Sally

Yep.  I did it.  Along with practically everyone else in the CrossFit community!  Bring Sally Up!  I sent out a text to the CFB’s and asked who was in and I got two out of three!  One of them had rowed a half marathon the day before so I knew she wouldn’t be down for Sally!  I figure I can peer pressure her into it this week sometime though haha.

Anyway, if you’ve done this WOD, then you know how it was!  If you haven’t, then it’s probably exactly as you imagined it would be!  I wish when I was doing it, I knew the words to the song…I think that would have helped a little.  And also, not having a visible clock really sucks!  It probably got tough around the fourth or fifth time I had to hold the squat.  I had to bounce a little bit to even come out of the squats.  And I did rest like four times.  I knew it was going to be tough and it was.  And then, I got stuck in the bottom of my squat at the end and couldn’t dump the bar.

But it was AWESOME!  I honestly can’t wait to do it again.

The post about the competition

I competed in the Rx division of a competition this weekend.  I think I bit off a little more than I could chew.  It was a partner competition, so I felt pretty good about all of the movements.  Me & one of the CFBs teamed up.  She’s quite a bit stronger than I am, but I was gonna pick up the slack with chest to bar pull ups and handstand push ups.  I felt like we compliment each other very well.  We knew what the movements and what the weights were going to be almost 6 weeks before the competition so I started working on what I needed to work on.  About a 3 weeks before, we knew what the WODs were going to be.  There was a snatch ladder.  I knew I wouldn’t get very far on that, my max is 95#.  But I knew I could get out there and do it.

We warmed up.  I hit 65# & 75# and then we got out there on the floor where our starting weight was.  I got up to the 85# to start.  My biggest fear was that I would get out there and only get 85#.  We had 10 seconds to rotate and get ready and 20 seconds to attempt the lift.  I picked up the bar in that 10 seconds because I like to feel the weight.  The 20 seconds started and I made an attempt and failed.  I checked myself and tried again and got it.  We rotated to 90#, I felt the weight and when the 20 seconds started I made the attempt and failed.  I was able to try two more times, but I failed both.

I was extremely disappointed.  I should have been able to get that, but I was very nervous and it got the best of me.  Here I am in the Rx division and I was only able to snatch the lowest weight.  I left the floor and had to just let it go.  There were three more WODs to get through and there would be no room for any sulking.  The next WOD was a clean & jerk and double under combo.  10 clean & jerks then 30 double unders.  They released this WOD very early so we actually did this one at our box.  And we did good.  I definitely was going to have to be better at this one.  I struggled that day with the C&Js but I felt more confident with the weight going in to the WOD.

CFB went first.  She got to the double unders and I kept waiting for my turn.  I saw her look back at the judge to ask how many she had left.  The judge said “You’re at 55, so 5 more.”  My partner said, “It’s only 30 DUs!”  Judge said no, that it was 60.  In my head I’m freaking out.  I KNEW it was only 30 double unders.  Then I thought they must have changed it and I missed it.  I got through my 10 C&Js no problem.  I was very pleased with myself.  Unbroken!  Then I started my double unders.  I think I’m quite good at double unders.  By no means do I excel at them, but I can do them.  Trying 60 after 10 95# clean & jerks?  A little tough.  I got through 40 of my double unders and missed.  I don’t much remember anything after that.  Only that I wanted to cry and that I just wanted to quit.

keep pushing

I kept looking at my partner and telling her that I was sorry because I was struggling SO much.  She just told me to keep going and that I was doing great.  My calves were dying and I just kept watching the clock, wanting this WOD to be over.  Time was finally up and we confirmed what I already knew.  We did more double unders than we were supposed to.  Our judge just misunderstood.  They somehow figured out a way to make up for this and honestly I think we ended up getting more credit on that WOD than we should have.  We finished 3rd in that WOD.  I’ll take whatever they gave us.  It was horrible.  HORRIBLE!

The third WOD didn’t bother me as much.  I just had to get through the runs and I knew it would be fine.  No big deal at all.  WOD four was coming up and that was gonna be a little bit harder.  There were transitions in WOD 4 that were “surprises.”  Surprises in CrossFit are never good.  We figured we’d have to carry each other or something.  We were wrong.  The first transition was one partner pulling a sled with 160# on it while the other partner walked with 105# overhead.  This is the point where I started freaking out.  I was convinced I wouldn’t be able to do either of those.  But we decided that I would pull the sled.  The second transition was the same weight.  But instead of walking overhead, we had to do lunges.  The bar could be held either way, so we opted for holding it on our backs.  I did 5 of the lunges and I struggled.  My partner did the rest of them.  These transitions were in between the parts of the WOD.  Chest to bar pull ups, 105# overhead squats and burpees.  I smoked the majority of the burpees.

We finished the WOD and we were done!  I have never been so happy to be finished with a WOD in four years of CrossFitting.  I didn’t expect to struggle so much.  I really didn’t.  I don’t think I was over confident at all, but I just didn’t think it was going to be so tough.  I literally wanted to cry during WOD 2 & WOD 4.  Thank God my partner had confidence in me and pushed me through.  I feel like I did my part in the competition and that we both contributed, but I also feel like she did more work.  My body is worn out but it’s not too horrible.  I’m definitely not gonna WOD soon.  I wish I had a hot tub!

The post about driving

My 15 year old got her learner’s permit.  I let her drive to school in the mornings and if we go somewhere.  I have to say, she really is a good driver!  However…I feel the need to point a few things out.

The first day of school?  She hopped the curb.  We laughed…it’s all good…no big deal!  I mean, I failed my first time trying to get my license because I hopped the curb!  I was so nervous.  The rest are just minor really.  Getting too close to things, waiting too long to brake, putting the blinker on too early, stopping too far back.  She has improved tremendously at switching lanes though…no longer slow & jerky!

But what I’m really impressed with?  My restraint!  Now don’t get me wrong, I still make comments here and there, but the nervousness is gone when she drives.   But I gotta tell you…I am the WORST. PASSENGER. EVER.  I am sitting in that seat cringing and using my imaginary brake the entire time you are driving.  I’m checking my mirror and everything around me just in case I need to tell you what’s going on.  Worst. Passenger. Ever.

So, my relative calmness with my 15 year old surprises me, like, a lot.  That doesn’t mean that I’m not gonna be freaking out once she gets her license and is driving by herself though!

The post about a WOD that checked my ego

10 Rounds:

7 Snatch



Seems simple enough.  I decided to give it a go at 85#.  I quickly realized that wasn’t going to happen and it pissed me off.  I literally spent five minutes on the first 7 snatches.  Five minutes!  That’s like a lifetime in the CrossFit world.  I just knew I would be able to do the 85#.  So, after the first round I took off ten pounds and did 75#.  Then I spent the next couple rounds being irritated and thinking to myself that there was no point in finishing since I took weight off.  Then I got mad for taking weight off and for thinking about stopping.  All in all, my mind wasn’t in it.  I wasn’t feeling it anymore.   I’ll give this WOD another try at 75#.

Then to make matters even worse…10 clean & jerks (power or full) at 95# gave me quite the run for my money.  I sucked.  Bad.  Another ego check.  Not that I have this huge ego!  I just really thought that I’d be able to do both of those movements at those weights without struggling as much as I did!  I really thought I’d be able to “touch & go” the C&J, but after one round, I was spent.

I need both of these movements for the competition in two weeks and I had hoped to be able to perform better, especially for my partner.  But, I have two weeks and I can get better and stronger.  Every day.
